Onion Architecture, NTier, IOC, Blog, Incredible Web, Web Development

It works well for applications in professional DevOps environments, and the model demonstrates how DevOps assets are organized in relation to the rest of the code. Onion architecture has proven effective to lower coupling and enhancing cohesion. This overall helps to improve the performance, maintenance and testability of the system. Today, we’ll briefly introduce the basic concepts of Domain-Driven Design and Onion Architecture and highlight some advantages of bringing these two approaches together.

When creating an application architecture, one must understand that the actual number of levels here is rather arbitrary. Depending on the scale of the tasks, there may be more or fewer levels. One of the most important parts of each application is architecture. But do not forget that the code should always be useful, not just cool in terms of architecture, etc. Now we can see when we hit the GetAllStudent Endpoint we can see the data of students from the database in the form of JSON projects.

By doing dependency injection in all the code, everything becomes easier to test. The application’s entrypoint should be responsible for instantiating all necessary dependencies and injecting them into your code. Repositories, external APIs, Event listeners, and all other code that deal with IO in some way should be implemented in this layer.

Onion architecture in development

In the future I’d like to explore and write about similar architectures applied to other programming paradigms such as Functional Programming. This layer contains the implementation of the behaviour contracts defined in the Model layer. So, we can see that it’s important to build maintainable software. We should be able to build a software that can be maintained by future developers. For a closer look at onion architecture, let’s create an application for ordering pizza. Phpat is a library that will help you respect your architectural rules in PHP projects.

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In fact, while there are numerous definitions of microservices, there is no single clear and unified definition. Broadly speaking, microservices are web services that create a type of service-oriented architecture. The presentation layer is our final layer that presents the data to the front-end user on every HTTP request.

  • If you have read both blogs about Multi-Tier architectures and Inversion of Controlthen you are half way there to understand and design your solution using the Onion architecture.
  • When working with Onion Architecture, you should always start developing the inner layers before the outer ones.
  • Note that with this approach, we do not depend on the external service, rather the external service depends on our declared contracts.
  • In this article, I will tell you about my experience of using onion architecture with a harmonized combination of DDD, ASP.NET Core Web API and CQRS for building microservices.
  • The higher the coupling, the lower the ability to change and evolve the system.
  • Interfaces for these are defined in the Domain Services layer — IFareRepostory and IRouteService.

Figure 2 — Practical Onion ModelEstimating the fare is a core business use case. The business would not functional well if it could not give it’s customers proper pricing. Hence this behaviour shall be declared in the most central layer in the interface IRiderFareCalculator. But how are we going to use the controller if it is not in the Web application? The popularity of microservices is growing due to the range of benefits they offer to developers and businesses. In this article, I will tell you about my experience of using onion architecture with a harmonized combination of DDD, ASP.NET Core Web API and CQRS for building microservices.

Both software developers and domain experts should be able to talk in a Ubiquitous Language. Onion Architecture is an architectural pattern which proposes that software should be made in layers, each layer with it’s own concern. Add the Data in the domain that is used to add the database context class. The database context class is used to maintain the session with the underlying database using which you can perform the CRUD operation. For the Domain layer, we need to add the library project to our application. Trip estimation is a business use-case, and it’s the one I’ve selected for our implementation.

We keep all domain objects that have business value in the core. Instead of each module being responsible of instantiating it’s own dependencies, it has its dependencies injected during it’s initialization. This way, when you want to test it, you can just inject a mock that implements the interface your code is expecting to.

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For every service, we will write the CRUD operation using our generic repository. A complete implementation would be provided to the application at run time. Onion architecture uses the concept of the layer but is different from N-layer architecture and 3-Tier architecture. Onion Architecture’s main premise is that it controls coupling. The fundamental rule is that all code can depend on layers more central, but code cannot depend on layers further out from the core. This architecture is unashamedly biased toward object-oriented programming, and it puts objects before all others.

Onion architecture in development

So, you should start by modeling your domain layer, instead of the database layer. Also, the code is easier to test due to dependency injection, which also contributes to making the software more maintainable. These objects have no behavior, being just bags of data used alongside your models. Imagine that you are modeling a banking system, where you have the Account domain model. Then, you need to implement the Transfer feature, which involves two Accounts. Based on the rules of the Onion Architecture, the SpeakerController could use UserSession directly since it’s in the same layer, but it cannot use ConferenceRepository directly.

It is much easier to build a microservice around a bounded context. Bounded context — each microservice is built around some business function and uses bounded context as a design pattern. In the custom service folder, we will create the custom service class that inherits the ICustomService interface code of the custom service class is given below. Now our service layer contains the reference of the repository layer. After adding all the layers our project structure will look like this.

Software Architecture — The Onion Architecture

It represents the Entities of the Business and the Behaviour of these Entities. Your Domain models can have Value objects in their attributes, but the opposite is not allowed. It’s not so clear if this behavior should be implemented by the Account model, so you can choose to implement it in a Domain Service.

Onion architecture in development

By doing this, your Infrastructure code can expect to receive an object that implements an interface, and the main can create the clients and pass them to the infrastructure. So, when you need to test your infrastructure code, you can make a mock that implements the interface (libs like Python’s MagicMock and Go’s gomock are perfect for this). No direction is provided by the Onion Architecture guidelines about how the layers should be implemented. The architect should decide the implementation and is free to choose whatever level of class, package, module, or whatever else is required to add in the solution. Ubiquitous Language, which should be used in all forms of communication, from meetings and documentation all the way to source code, becoming the domain model implemented in the code.

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They represent the business models, containing the business rules from it’s domain. This layer is the bridge between external infrastructure and the domain layers. The domain layers often need information or functionality in order to complete business functionality, however they should not directly depend on these. Instead, the application layer needs to depend on the the contracts defined in the Domain Services layer. Any solution needs extra modules which provide infrastructure helpers and tools. These modules should be attached externally to the Onion architecture and should not be dependant on anything else.

Onion architecture in development

To keep code clean, it’s recommended to use only the Domain Model layer. HTTP Controllers are just a presentation layer of the Use Case. As you can see in my proposal, the Presentation layer shares the same “level” as the Infrastructure one. This is a type of dependency injection called constructor-based dependency injection.

Easy to maintain

In this layer, service interfaces are kept separate from its implementation, keeping loose coupling and separation of concerns in mind. Infrastructure is the outermost layer containing adapters for various technologies such as databases, user interface and external services. It has access all the inner layers but most operations should go through the API, one exception being domain interfaces with infrastructure implementations. Onion Architecture solved these problem by defining layers from the core to the Infrastructure. The Domain Layer is the heart of your application, and responsible for your core models. Models should be persistence ignorant, and encapsulate logic where possible.


That being said, it’s not a big deal and it does not outweigh the pros. Domain Model repository / API client interfaces https://globalcloudteam.com/ SHOULD be implemented here. Message Queue consumers , consuming the Domain Events of external services.

It’s the outer-most layer, and keeps peripheral concerns like UI and tests. For a Web application, it represents the Web API or Unit Test project. In reality, worse than the coupling is the fact that this functionality does not really belong in the presentation layer of a project. It still unnecessarily couples my presentation layer to the underlying physical database that is serving data to this application.

Benefits of Onion Architecture

Can be quickly tested because the application core does not depend on anything. The system is constructed around an independent application core. He has a soft spot for all kinds of design, creative solutions, and philosophy. HTTP Controllers SHOULD catch Application layer exceptions and resolve them into an HTTP response with a proper HTTP status code. Use Cases SHOULD only throw Application-layer exceptions, catching the expected ones from the Domain Model. Use Cases SHOULD always use value objects as method arguments and as return values.

It constitues in a number of contracts which are meant to serve the application at a more presentation level. The actual implementations can vary and should also be external to the architecture. Same as the Repository Interfaces, the implementation of the Application Interfaces could be Web Services or actual concrete classes. This does not concern the coupling of the solution as the only coupling within the solution is between contracts and interfaces towards the domain model.

When it comes to applying Onion Architecture, it is of utmost importance to understand when to implement it. In today’s world of request and response logic, onion architecture you will need a repository interface and gateways to handle the situation. This facilitates by protecting your business from undesired dependencies.

By techieroll2020


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