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How to remove a program with MSI Failed error – Microsoft Community – Editions & Pricing
And another with some issues with avast. Even though I search in google and I didn’t find a way to solve. I’m using VMWare Workstation 7. Post as a guest Name. Configured with Make sure that all Windows Update OS operations, required interactive log-ins, and subsequent reboots are complete.
[Fixed] The MSI Failed – VMware Workstation Uninstall, Repair and Update on Windows 7//10
Please tell us how to fix. Given that you’ve tried the KB and KB, the third link may be more useful.
Error: Module ‘Monitor’ power on failed. Failed to – VMware Technology Network VMTN.windows – VMware installation MSI failed – Super User
Success Answered Comments 5. Success Answered Comments 4. Success Answered Comments 6. Success Answered Comments 7. Success Answered Comments 9. Zero Client, – Akhilesh Anand commented – Nov 11, Success Answered Comments Success Answered Comments 8. Hardware Accelerator, Performance – Anonymous commented – Jan 30, The Authentication Log report , Endpoints page list and endpoint details , and endpoint information shown for Users will be augmented with details from the Duo Device Health application.
With the Device Health Application app installed, authentication log events show checks related to the Duo Device Health application in the “Access Device” information. Operating system version information includes the build version for macOS and the build and revision versions for Windows. The Endpoints list receives additional filters that allow you to search for devices that have Duo Device Health installed, or a particular state or OS version and build as reported by the Device Health application.
The device warning information for a given device now includes Device Health reasons, if present. The Duo Device Health application analyzes a device to assess the status of its security posture and reports the results of this scan to Duo.
During authentication, Duo applies and enforces access policies using the device security posture information. When access is denied by Duo due to the state of security posture on the device, the Duo Device Health application receives the results of the policy check and presents guidance for the user to remediate the issue and successfully login the next time.
Windows Server , Windows Server , etc. The home screen of the Duo Device Health application performs a health check on the system and reports information to the user about the state of the device.
While the status of a local security agent collected if you’ve configured agent verification isn’t shown on the Duo Device Health app home screen, the app will raise an “Action Required” screen with the agent status if access gets blocked for that reason. The health check will be performed anytime the application is opened from the menu bar macOS or the system tray Windows. This health check provides your preferred Duo device security posture. By keeping all of these health checks green, Duo helps users keep a secure system and alleviates issues that may arise before an authentication is required.
If this check reports an issue, such as the firewall turned off or OS out of date, users have the opportunity to perform remediation before attempting to authenticate. When a user first lands at a Duo Prompt with Device Health enabled, a loading spinner appears while Duo performs the health check.
If the Device Health application is already installed and running this spinner should only appear for a few seconds and the user will continue with authentication. In the event of a failed authentication, the user will be directed to remediate these issues. When the Device Health application is not already installed and running users see a notice indicating that the Duo Prompt is attempting to launch the Device Health application. If the application was already installed and the browser has been told to remember it, the application launches and the health check will be performed without any need for interaction.
Otherwise, the user will be asked to download and install the application if it isn’t currently installed. When accessing Duo-protected applications with rich client applications that display the Duo prompt in an embedded browser i. Thick client embedded browsers cannot launch Duo Device Health from the Duo prompt, unlike standalone browsers, which can launch Duo Device Health app in the background during authentication. Note that if your users find that the download button isn’t functional, they may be authenticating from a non-browser client application like Outlook , or the page displaying the Duo prompt prevents the download.
If this is the case, suggest the users try a different Duo-protected application without those limitations, or distribute the app directly to your users via emailed download links or managed deployment. Then double-click the extracted installer and follow the installer prompts.
Note that installation requires administrator privileges on both Windows and macOS. During installation if the user doesn’t have admin rights they’ll get prompted to provide credentials of an account that is able to install software on the client.
The user may be prompted to launch the application if it is already installed and just not running. After a short timeout the Duo Prompt in the browser loads the download prompt for the Device Health application. Policy will then be applied to the information received from the device, and if there is a problem with the health posture it will be reported back to the user. If the health posture is acceptable under the policy, no further interaction is required from the user and the Duo Device Health application.
When an issue is reported by the Duo Device Health application, a red exclamation point will be shown next to the item that has an issue.
This can happen as part of the standalone health check or as a report from an authentication failure due to device health. If a user is attempting to access an application with a Device Health blocking policy, and their endpoint’s security posture does not comply with the policy requirements, then the Duo Prompt notifies the user that they must take action before they can access the application and the Duo Device Health application automatically opens with with information about why the authentication was denied.
Each non-compliant setting shown is a clickable item, that directs the user to instructions on how to fix the problem. Additionally, there is a link at the bottom that will take the user to a page in the application that briefly explains why keeping the device healthy is important. The easiest way to distribute the Device Health application is to apply a Device Health policy to a web-based application that features Duo’s inline authentication prompt, and then let users self-install the client when prompted during Duo authentication or enrollment.
When the effective Device Health application policy has “Allow users to install the app during enrollment” enabled, then new Duo users have the chance to download and install Duo Device Health as the first step of Duo self-enrollment. Users can choose to download and install Duo Device Health before enrolling their first second-factor authentication device.
A user who wants to complete 2FA enrollment without installing Duo Device Health can skip the step to proceed. If the application accessed by the new Duo user has an effective Device Health application policy of “Require users to have the app”, then the option to skip Duo Device Health installation during enrollment does not appear, and users must install the Device Health app to continue with 2FA device enrollment.
When the effective Device Health application policy is set to “Require users to have the app” enabled, then new Duo users must download and install Duo Device Health to continue to Duo two-factor authentication and access the destination application.
If you’d like to notify your users of the new Device Health application requirement and give them the chance to install the application ahead of time, you can send these client download links to your users:. View checksums for Duo downloads here. If you’d like to deploy the Device Health application via a scripted install or an endpoint management tool, download the installers using the links above, and use the following information to automate installation:.
MDM silent deployments on macOS as of version 11 require installation of a trusted certificate in the user’s keychain, with full access to the private key, before installing the application.
Choose to create a PFX certificate if you want more control over the deployment process and your MDM has an option to set the private key access level. Run the script without any options to create a. PFX file. This creates both a. PFX file, but you can delete the. PFX as it’s not needed for your. Distribute the certificate to your managed endpoints via MDM.
If you opted to use a. PFX, ensure that the private key is set to allow access from all applications. The Device Health application will not function properly if the private key is not set to allow access from all applications.
If distributing via a. Extract the. Ensure that you have downloaded version 2. After the initial installation, the Duo Device Health application will check your device health at the time of authentication. You can verify installation by looking for the Duo Device Health application icon in the menu bar.
When you click on the app icon, you will be able to view device health status. The Duo Device Health Application installer should complete quickly, with the progress bar step taking a matter of seconds for most users.
However, it’s possible the installation process could stall for several minutes due to macOS prioritizing another process on the system. In that case, our installation will pause until the other process completes. Large, slow-installing applications, such as XCode, are most likely to trigger this behavior. If the installation or upgrade process appears to have hung and is not completing, we recommend canceling it and resuming later when other processes have completed.
The Duo Device Health application starts automatically after an interactive installation to enable users pass the health check as quickly and easily as possible. If it is not running when a user lands on the Duo Prompt in a browser, the prompt attempts to launch the application. The Device Health application may also be started manually.
This could be necessary when you’ve installed Device Health silently via endpoint management tools or scripted install, or when authenticating with a thick client application and Device Health app is not already running. In some circumstances you may wish to perform an installation e. You can prevent automatic launch of the Device Health application until you’re ready to use it across your organization. If so, which wizard do I run since there are several wizards in that folder.
Again, thank you for all your help!! I still have absolutely no idea why the cmdlet is giving you that error about the -Setting parameter no being found when you attempt to use it as stated in my list of steps. I had to jump through all kinds of hoops in order to get it to work properly via our WSEE Installer package. Believe me, if it was easy, then I would of instructed folks to use the wizard instead of the PowerShell cmdlet.
It is great and still working but I have an alert that says my firewall is not configured correctly and I think it was after installing remote acess. Do you have any thoughts on what may be the problem? Thanks in advance. Thanks for this nice tutorial! As I have a licence for Server Essentials lying around, I guess I could also install it as a virtual machine on my Server , right?
Heck, you could even go a step further and set up a second copy of Windows Server Datacenter as a Virtual Machine as well, and then install WSEE on it by following the list of manual install steps given above. Thank you! Teach me for not spotting that Essentials had been removed. Remote Access complains, but works…. Will have to wait and see what happens with the client backups…. Is there anyway you could do a step by step video and host it on Youtube.
Maybe someone else will step up and make one for you guys who are requesting it. As I mentioned above, the installer was written strictly for our own internal use and was never intended to be distributed to the general public. The instructions were not completely clear to me.
At step 3 you say copy the 7 folder from:to my question is copy them from the server installation but to where? Same for step 4, copy them to where? Last question, am I using a windows server standard or windows server essential as my source. After you cancel out of the wizard, go ahead and run Windows Update over and over until the server is fully up-to-date.
Go ahead and run Windows Update over and over until the server is fully up-to-date. Maybe you can solve this for me. Let me know if I can send them to you.
No offense taken, All of the steps taken were easy and error free for me up to step 6, when I typed this code in that you had posted it gave me errors. All of them for from step 6. I figured maybe I typed something wrong, so I saved the webpage as a pdf, which then allowed me to simply copy the code and paste them one by one and still the outcome was the same. This happens to be the first time for me installing a service from this approach, so it took me a moment to follow you instructions.
Thank you. So, what might I be doing wrong with your code? The only suggestions that I can offer you there is:. Make sure that all of the quotes surrounding the values are standard straight quotes and not those fancy curly quotes.
Otherwise, the command line will most certainly fail seeing as it requires elevated privileges in order to be successfully run. My apologies for that.
However, you do have a nice suggestion to print i. Thanks for sharing that tip. I copied exactly what you had listed and pasted it in an elevated command prompt. Can you show me exactly what response I should see after running anyone of these commands. How to create a Windows service by using Sc.
As far as I remember, the tool just silently returns back to the command prompt on success. Otherwise, it will list an error on failure. Or, you can open an elevated PowerShell prompt and type:. Which indicates that the list of dependencies should be separated by a forward slash just as I have them in in step 6. However, the documentation I linked you to states that the dependencies should be surrounded by quotes and separated by spaces.
For example:. Thank you so very much. EDIT M. It allows you to preserve file permissions etc. What I ended up doing was mounting the C drive of the server with WSEE installed and then copying the files over one by one. After numerous attempts at trying to fix file permissions, I eventually gave up and started with a fresh install.
After copying the files as suggested above, it worked perfectly. Oh and also I forgot to mention. I just left out the -Setting parameter. That just sets how Windows update should work. It runs fine without that parameter and you could always manually configure Windows updates afterward. Any chance you can provide a password so I can download the MSI file that you guys built? I really appreciate any assistance you can give. Hi, is it possible to purchase the installer for WSEE on Server without purchasing one of your products please?
A quick question, do you recommend that after the initial installation of Server that I should install WSEE before I join to the domain and install other roles or features? Or can I do it at any point? If you want to join your server to an existing domain i.
Thanks Mike. Then install WSEE. Does that sound like a plan? However, I do understand that some folks prefer to run Essentials as a member server, rather than having it be the primary DC. See this comment and this comment posted above. Which is also mentioned in the this comment as well. None of your posts have been deleted. How long should the MSI installer take? Just want to make sure everything turns out the way it should.
In most cases unless you have a really slow server , I assume that it should indeed take less that 10 minutes to complete adding the required roles and features. Other than that, you could try manually installing the five prerequisite server roles and features as shown in step 2 of the manual installation steps if you continue running into issues here.
Manually installing the prerequisite server roles and features one-by-one via an elevated PowerShell prompt would also let you see if an error is popping up when they are getting installed. There is a script that someone created to check Essentials installation which admitedly does only support up to but that returned no errors either. Any ideas? Many thanks Jon. Hi Mike, An update to my message….
Thanks Jon. Otherwise, you can look at the following web pages for information on how to use a redirect in order to go back to the old behavior:.
Remote Web Access login page Redirect. Remote Web Access does not redirect as expected. Hi, this is intriguing. I am moving from a Essentials and would ike to use I have a clean server up nd running. One question how well does this hold up to regular windows updates? Any concerns there? Thanks for your reply, although to clarify you only mention standard or datacenter for your installer, does this work on the essentials version new install. As a result, you cannot i. I have absolutely no idea what those things are.
When you setup a standard Windows server, and add essentials to it, do you still need to make this the primary DC? Curious if I eliminate my current Essentials server then implement this version, if I can make my secondary DC the primary and leave it that way. When you install WSEE on Windows Server Standard or Datacenter, you can indeed configure it as a member server where it is not the primary domain controller, but rather joined to another existing domain controller on your network.
Do you have any thoughts on how to migrate from Essentials to and retain the same IP and name? I am even thinking of using the same server. All my stuff is on an array on an E: and F: drive so was thinking of replacing the primary drives with new ones of the same kind and rebuilding following your guidance. I would just like to be able to tie it back to my existing backups and not have to have all our workstations have to rejoin the domain.
Personally, I feel that unless you have some really pressing need to utilize features that are specific to Windows Server , that you should simply stick with using Windows Server Essentials instead. It kept the name and IP, etc. Thanks for the heads up on the tiered storage issue. Great, thanks again for your support and for making my Server Essentials running as a proper Essentials version for 8 months now without any issues.
Most appreciated. While I personally would of liked for it to have been a free benefit for the Essentials community especially since it is most likely based off of the work done here , I do understand that it takes time and effort to produce such content as well as the costs involved to host it, etc. Because of this, I am unable to vouch for the accuracy of its contents, but I will go ahead and leave the link to it here for those who still wish to view it. So if I did decide to trash my Essentials server and create a fresh install, how would I do that without loosing my domain?
If I then build a server and add the essentials role would I need to switch it back to be the master or would that automatically happen? Would all the computers still be on the domain or have to be added again? That being said, there are others who have successfully done domain migrations from earlier versions of Essentials over to Windows Server with WSEE installed. In fact, see the comment right below this one for a link to a nice Microsoft article that walks you step-by-step through the entire domain migration process including transferring all of the FSMO roles over to the new based domain controller, etc.
And yes, according to that document, you will indeed need to uninstall the Windows Server Essentials Connector software from all of your existing client PCs, and then install the newer version of it from See the Microsoft-provided documentation for further details. The WSEE installer worked great for me! However, I had a glitch to overcome as a result of my specific transition scenario, so wanted to do a quick post here to point out the problem and workaround for others.
While Microsoft provides a process for doing similar migrations see Step 2: Install Windows Server Essentials as a new replica domain controller , an additional step is needed if the source server in my case, the Win R2 Server was itself the destination of an earlier migration from an older server in my case, SBS The configuration wizard successfully ran through the pre-requisites verification step and correctly identified the server as a domain controller.
However, after it started the actual configuration process it stopped with the message:. If this issue still exists please refer to the help link for more troubleshooting steps. This time, the Configuration Wizard ran to successful completion. Thanks again for sharing your experience with everyone, and you are most welcome for the WSEE Installer. After i downloaded now the german version from your wsee.
To marry a client with the wsee is no Problem, but after i set up wich drives to backup i tryed to run the first backup. But no suckses, every time the Clientbackup service is crashing. But always at a different Time in the Backup. I have no Idea what i could do that the one service is not crashing anymore. On the same machine at a second harddisk is my primary w with manual installed wsee in english and work without any problem.
Please try looking in the following location on BOTH the client computer AND on the server itself to see if there are any log files that give you an idea as to why your client backups are failing:.
Just sort the log files within the folder by their modification date, and then look at the newly modified log files to see if you can find any information within them related to the client computer backup service crashing i. Some news, client backup now is working.
The Problem was some corruptet file in the clientbackup folder on the server and every time it was trying to acces that file the service on the server was crashing. Delted the folder and recreate it in the wsee dashboard than it was working. But i now have a other Problem, after the backup was working i want to chance my second client to the new server. Every thing is fine expect, the second client shows allways offline. Have now add in lights out for the server the lights out bulp in tray on client shows server online.
Tryed to uninstall kaspersky on client but that changed nothing. But befor uninstall every essentials app have all pewrmissions. And that client was working with the english server essentials without problems too with kaspersky installed.
Could you please give me again some hind where to search. The last hind with logs was good that was showing me the read error. But now i have no logs because after the marriage from client with server the client is allways offline so i cant set up even the backup. Glad to hear that client backup is working for you now. Thus, about the best I can tell you here is to check out the log files on both the client and server; and in the same location that I mentioned to you in my prior comment to see if you can find any indication as to why the connection is failing.
Other than that, have you tried completely uninstalling the connector software from your client computer, and then reinstalling it again?
Is the client computer properly joined to your Essentials domain? However, in order to successfully use the script on Windows Server with WSEE , you will need to edit it by opening the script in a text reader such as Notepad, etc. Hi Mike, Thanks very much for this. When I load server manager it tells me that configuration is required for the Active Directory Certificate Services. I have tried a few times and get stuck at that place all the time.
Did you happen to run into any issues with any of the earlier steps? Finally figured it out, spaces were needed where none were and some were where none were needed lol. I have yet to test remote connection using the connector but other then that it now works fine.
I have to admit that what you did requires a lot of work Believe me, I know having been a network analyst for more than 30 years so congrats are in order, this is awesome!!!!!!!
I had to delete the virtual storage pool on my server since windows said it belonged to a different domain. It seemed to be working great — thanks! PS — I turned it off and then on again, but no difference. Okay, realized that my storage space was just My inability to create a client PC may be related to the tiny pool it initially created, which was only 10GB. So I deleted the pool in Server Manager, got the 4 drives I have in the Primordial pool of available disks and went to the Essentials Dashboard.
When I try to create the storage space in the Dashboard, it says to select drives to create the storage space, but none are shown. Maybe others with experience in this area will jump in and provide you with some further assistance. After the successful reinstall of the connector software, make sure that its tray icon is green and shows that the client is properly connected up to the Essentials server and not grey or red, which indicates a connection problem.
Lastly, please be aware that if your client computer is running Windows 10 , then there are LOTS of reports of issues with getting the client computer successfully connected up to the Essentials server appearing over on the Essentials boards. Storage Space comment: Yep, read that comment. Yeah, I checked and the selected drives are online, and I can put files over to the two test drives with no problems.
However it does NOT wipe out the other drives, which contain my old storage space. Good suggestion about looking in the essentials board — thanks for the link and the suggestion to stay out of trouble!
There were no errors, and the storage space was recognized just fine by the server Dashboard. Once everything is working properly i. Windows 10 version is a complete and utter mess IMHO.
Apparently when Windows 10 gets updated to version , it wreaks havoc on the installed Windows Server Essentials Connector software i. Optional After the above program has been successfully uninstalled from the client computer, manually delete the following folders from the client computer if they happen to still exist:. Optional Delete the following registry key branches using Regedit.
Connect computers to a Windows Server Essentials server without joining the domain. Get Connected in Windows Server Essentials.
I actually run into this issue quite a bit with W10 bi-yearly updates screwing up the WSE connector on W10 computers joined to a domain. It creates a registry entry that makes it so that when you reinstall WSE connector on domain joined computer, it will skip the domain join step and just install the connector software. I found this information here Connect computers to a Windows Server Essentials server without joining the domain.
Yes as mentioned above , the SkipDomainJoin connection method is well documented by Microsoft over on their website:. Hi, Thanks for this. We upgraded from server Essentials to server standard before realising essentials was no longer included. I was planning on upgrading to a newer Windows server OS soon. I would like to still use the Essentials server roll option that Microsoft removed after server Yes, the client backup feature in all versions of Windows Server Essentials i.
They just want client backup feature available for use. Yes the client backup feature does indeed work under the Essentials SKU. Thus, you might as well give them a platform that is fully supported by Microsoft. I hate that Microsoft abandon Server Essentinal with this great feature. I tried a test installation in a VM. Everything is working except third party plug-ins. There is no error during installation. Do I have to copy some other Files or modify anything else?
Very strange. Glad to hear that you got the add-ins working in a different VM though. Not a single file is modified nor altered in any way. Third party add-ins are indeed fully supported i. Your best bet there would be to contact the manufacturer of the add-in directly and ask them about it. I got it running following your instructions above, but am continuing to see a problem which also existed in Essentials where the storage service gets confused and declares a folder offline even though the underlying disk still exists.
The generally accepted workaround according to Missing server folder alert, but folder is still present! Is it possible that registration of the event sources got missed in your instructions above? Thanks for figuring it out! As is mentioned at the top of the manual install steps shown above, the steps only represent the bare minimum that is required in order to get Windows Server Essentials Experience installed, and working, on Windows Server If someone is looking for a straight forward easy, complete, and proper install, then we suggest using the WSEE Installer package instead.
I have a couple of quick questions. My original WSEE server was demoted and removed from the domain, blanked, reinstalled fresh as , re-joined to the domain, and started at your steps from there. Does the WSEE config process in fact promote the member server to a domain controller? If not, can the member server be promoted to a domain controller AFTER the config process has completed successfully? If you want to keep the domain name and server name from your old Essentials server, just be sure that the old server is offline, and then use the exact same domain name and server name when configuring your new Windows Server with WSEE installation i.
Unless you have lots of users, and have heavily modified your Active Directory, Group Policy, etc. Whereas, on a normal installation of WSEE, the server will automatically get configured as a primary domain controller for you as part of the Essentials configuration process. I myself have never tried installing WSEE on a server that was already configured as a domain controller. The key for me was understanding whether or not WSEE configuration was attempting to promote the member server to a domain controller during the process.
It was the first server in the environment, created the new domain etc. Thank you Mike!! Promoted that server to a secondary domain controller for the DOM domain 3.
I checked the box and clicked OK, but then the installer disappeared and nothing seemingly happened. I looked around for any running processes none and checked the new Server Essentials deployment Event Log that the MSI created in my Event Viewer but nothing no events. On first logon after reboot, the Windows Server Essentials configuration wizard launched. I cancelled the wizard without completing it. Restored data from backup to ServerFolders. Kudos on making the migration work, and a big thanks for sharing how you accomplished it with others here.
It might have something to do with the state of the migrated server. That being said… If it happens to anyone else, then they can simply restart the server as you did , or they can just manually run the wizard by executing the following program anytime after the main installation has successfully completed, or after any subsequent restart of the server that takes place during the Essentials configuration process :.
Have you seen this behavior? I was making an assumption that functionality would have been deprecated in Windows and not likely to come over with the WSEE installation. Here are the rules:. The Server Infrastructure Licensing service silsvc.
And yes, I do recall reading that the grace period is more accurately represented as 28 days vs Typical Microsoft. BTW, quick question for you… May I ask why you opted to cancel the configuration wizard and then manually run the Start-WssConfigurationService PowerShell command without any arguments instead?
Was that not the case? I know… WTF? Also, I read somewhere on this page that you advised somebody else not to run the Configuration Wizard, but instead to run the PowerShell command, because you assumed the Wizard would fail during role check, since the actual role did not exist and was not installed. PowerShell Good! I had a bad feeling that the Wizard would either fail and hose my WSEE installation, or possibly even worse it might succeed and hose my working domain.
I actually think the wizard would have worked just fine for you. I suppose that in those other comments you reference that I made, I was indeed probably just assuming that it would fail.
No harm, no foul, on your config though seeing as the wizard simply executes the PowerShell command in exactly the same way as you did manually. Good to know that it will work without it and that it will just use the credentials of the signed in admin when omitted. Doing this will cause client computers to go into a strange state when reconnected to the server.
Excellent tip! Thanks again for sharing your findings with everyone. I install missing updates. I guess, given this information, the issue is more of a nuisance than an actual problem. I undid and re-implemented the suggestions with several reboots in between, but it seems whatever damage was done, was done permanently. Has anyone been able to get it working? Mine was a fresh build, not an in-place upgrade. Specifically, the authentication method used by the server to verify your username and password may not match the authentication method configured in your connection profile.
Please contact the Administrator of the RAS server and notify them of this error. All other Essentials Tests except the Role Install pass. Thankfully, WSE RemoteApp works beautifully, so I do still have remote access to my network resources, but it would be really nice to get Anywhere Access working.
However, after doing some research and testing, I believe that the VPN connection issues can be resolved by performing the following steps:. Connect to your Essentials server via a standard Remote Desktop Connection, etc.
Sort the Logs folder by date modified which will place the most recently modified log files up at the top , open the log files in Notepad, and the newest entries will be located down at the bottom of the log file.
Announcing Windows Storage Server Thanks for your answer. Or do I need to do a fresh install? Thanks for your comprehensive answer. The installation first failed and reverted back to Windows Storage Server. Only when I selected not to install updates during installation, the installation succeeded. Please any advice where i messed up? Start-WssConfigurationService : The term ‘Start-WssConfigurationService’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. From what I can gather it appears that the problem stems from the Windows Server Essentials services not starting properly even though they have been properly configured to start Automatically during the configuration of Essentials.
There are a total of 8 Windows Server Essentials services, and all but the email services should be started. Works great for both file and bare metal restores. Thanks Nathan. If Windows Server Essentials is working just fine for you, then there should be no real reason for you to make the upgrade to Windows Server with WSEE installed.
I imagine that, if it is possible, it will be a fairly involved process. Mike, Thank you for the comprehensive instructions. Have you run across this, or have any suggestion on where to troubleshoot this? Have you checked your network router, firewall, etc. For a bit more info see:. If you do not want this server to be a domain controller, join this server to your domain by using the Windows native tools.
RemoteApp programs, etc. However, you can also opt to join a server that has WSEE installed on it to an existing i. However, in your case from what I understand , your existing server is already configured as a primary domain controller, and you just want to add the WSEE server role to it. In that case, when you configure WSEE on your server, it will discover that the server is already a domain controller, and it will allow you to complete the WSEE configuration on the existing domain controller instead of having to join it to a separate domain controller or create a brand new domain controller from scratch.
Thus, you should just proceed with the WSEE configuration once it i. For more info see:. NOTE : The connector software will automatically join the client computer to your domain by default. Are you saying that you already have the Windows Server Essentials Connector software installed on your client computers?
If so, then I assume that you had them connected up to an older version of Essentials e. For more info see here and here. G mentions in the last link that I linked you to in my prior reply, where he sets the SkipDomainJoin registry value on the already joined clients, and then installs the connector software in order to force the connector software to skip the domain join part of the installation process since the client is already joined to the domain.
Then go ahead and delete the SkipDomainJoin registry value after the installation completes. Mike, this is the final post! All computers are now showing up under devices! Client backups work, Anywhere Access works, Shares work, etc! For anyone that has Server Standard and you previously joined the clients to the domain manually..
These two links were invaluable: — Connect computers to a Windows Server Essentials server without joining the domain — Comment by MR. Thank you for the follow up post to let everyone know what worked for you when installing WSEE on a server that has already been configured as a domain controller prior to installing WSEE on it , and when installing the Windows Server Essentials Connector software on client computers that have already been joined to the domain prior to installing the connector software on them.
Great job! Great work, BTW! The dism works and I end up with a folder Server-Mount which contains all the Server folders in it. No files, such as Policy. Later on i. I hope that makes sense. If you enjoy tinkering with servers, then by all means, please do have at it.
I may well ultimately purchase one of your products for my main production build. Also, will your product work if the Server is a DC? Q: How does Work Folders compare to other Microsoft sync technologies? Why would someone use both?
Hats off to you for publishing this on the Web. I do have a few observations, however, and just wondering if other people are seeing the same things I moved the various settings and files from one VM to the other using a shared virtual disk.
When I ran the second command, after about 20 seconds, I got a message saying that the Company Name was in use, so I changed the Company Name in the command to I see that others have had this issue so I left it off and checked the Windows Update settings later Everything looked good, with a working Dashboard and full functionality.
However, there are a few puzzles However, this did not happen. I am trying to join a Standard server to an existing WSE I had it all working but got spooked because it looked like the server was holding or taking FSMO roles away from the wse Part of the reason to do this is to eventually demote the wse server because we are at 36 users and even though I have 40 licenses for , I do not think they are valid for the WSE and it must go away.
I want to use DFS to sync the data folders to the new server, then move folder redirection, then demote and pull the First off, you cannot have multiple Essentials servers running within the same network when they are acting as a primary domain controller holding all of the FSMO roles which is the default configuration for an Essentials server. The only way that you can run multiple Essentials servers on the same network is if they are each running as member servers where they are domain-joined to a completely separate domain controller.
Enabling multiple instances of Windows Server Essentials Experience in your environment. Join a second server to the network.
Step 2: Install Windows Server Essentials as a new replica domain controller. And, another user has very kindly posted the steps that he took for doing a successful domain migration here.
Thanks for your comments, I am reworking my process. I did successfully join the existing WSE domain and get the essentials role installed on standard, I did the join just before the Start-WssConfigurationService. Thanks for the links. I will probably go with Mariattes server-essentials tools. I believe I added the AD roles to the member server incorrectly before.
Thanks for pointing that out for everyone. Are you aware of a way to disable TLS 1. We are all being told to disable these but it appears that WSE is deeply dependent on them. I know that if I disable TLS 1. It seems like Microsoft is not going to update this role to newer requirements. Also that Office integration will require TLS 1. You can still harden the security on an Essentials server by disabling many of the other insecure protocols, ciphers, etc. In fact, in my WSE RemoteApp add-in, I implement a script and other security settings that automates all of this hardening stuff for my customers while still leaving TLS 1.