Boldenone: properties and uses

Boldenone is a long-acting anabolic drug. It goes by many names and is produced by many pharmaceutical companies. It is a modified testosterone molecule. The effect on the body is similar, but the androgenic effect is lower, which gives an additional advantage. It differs from other forms of Boldenone in the high content of the active substance in a molecule up to 67%.

The ether content is minimal. This allows the steroid to have a rapid effect on the body, making it possible to feel visible changes in the body from the first hours after injection. It is popular with power lifters and those who want to improve their physical abilities. It is officially banned for use in professional sports. Masking agents need to be used before competitions to hide the presence of the substance during doping control. You can buy quality Boldenone at

Boldenone does not have any negative effects on the liver. Thanks to its lack of side effects, the product has been popular among athletes. The high demand for the product has resulted in the appearance of a large number of poor quality fakes. In order to protect authentic products, manufacturers assign a special verification code to each product. It can be seen on a sticker. Entering the code on the official website allows you to verify the authenticity of the product.

Benefits of Boldenone

The main purpose of the product is to build muscle mass. Boldenone does not give a significant increase in muscle tissue, but it provides dense muscles without causing a rebound effect after withdrawal of the drug. In contrast to other steroids, this product promotes quality rather than fast muscle growth. Other benefits include:

  • Stable growth of quality muscle mass, with no watering down or rolling back after discontinuation.
  • Increased strength and endurance capabilities of the athlete.
  • Slight weight gain (important in a limited weight class).
  • Increased appetite.
  • Rapid metabolism, saturation of the body with necessary elements.
  • Increase in nitrogen metabolism.
  • Saturate the body cells with oxygen.
  • Promotes rapid recovery from injuries and heavy loads.
  • Effects on the burning of fat deposits.
  • Increase energy levels in the body.

The oestrogenic activity of the drug is 2 times lower than that of other anabolics (e.g. testosterone). Frequent side effects such as enlarged breasts in men, swelling and obesity, and hypertension are rare. Even the maximum dosage of 1g per week is not dangerous for athletes.

Other side effects such as hair loss, prostate failures and the appearance of acne on the body are also rare.

Its gradual action helps to maintain hormonal balance and stabilise energy expenditure. For track and field athletes, the steroid helps to sustain long distances. Beginners should consult a sports trainer or doctor before the first use.

Dosage and duration of use.

  • Consider all nuances and contraindications before use.
  • Take hormone tests.
  • If possible, ask a specialist to calculate the correct dosage.
  • The standard dosage for beginners is 200 mg per week, which is enough for the first course.
  • The dosage for professional athletes should be in the range of 400 to 800 mg per week, depending on the sport and the duration
  • of their anabolic training.
  • For the fairer sex 100 mg weekly should be sufficient.
  • The duration of use depends on the desired effect from 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Combined with Testosterone and Trenbolone as well as Methane for a tremendous result.
  • After the end of the course it will be necessary to restore a hormonal background by means of special means.
  • Specialists do not recommend its use for people with health problems.

During post-course therapy it is necessary to follow the principles of sports nutrition and taking supplements prescribed by a doctor.

Generally the reviews on this drug are positive. Optimally chosen dose, compliance with the regularity of taking the drug, thoughtful combination with other means allows you to achieve the desired effect without the occurrence of negative phenomena in the body. This drug belongs to the most effective and, at the same time, the safest steroids.

Side effects

Side effects may occur if the dose is exceeded and are temporary in nature. Many athletes, especially beginners, rush and disregard instructions and doctor’s advice. The first signs that indicate an overdose are:

  • Intestinal upset, abdominal pain.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Headache, dizziness.

It is worth noting that the symptoms may appear at first sight of the drug and will pass within a few days.

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By techieroll2020

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